About Tracy

Originally from Ohio, I grew up surrounded by art supplies and the smell of turpentine. My father is an artist who taught college art and my mother was a public school art teacher. I never lacked for inspiration or encouragement. I studied art as an undergrad and earned an MFA in painting before moving to Chicago. My training, combined with a love for fine typography & illustration, led me to an uncommon career as a graphic designer with a fine-art background. In 2016, I decided to focus full-time on my art. My studio is located in Lincoln Park in a sunny, second-floor space on Halsted Street, overlooking a blues club.

As for my work, it varies. I’m drawn to beautiful things but like to include whimsical and slightly weird elements, as well. Both wheel-thrown and hand-built, most pieces are fired multiple times with various glazes, transfers, fragments of old china patterns, and misc accents. The mixed elements are thoughtfully combined to create distinctive objects. Ongoing motifs reflect my interest in botanicals, birds & insects, and Medieval themes. Many of my hand-built vessels are inspired by movement and water.

For purchasing my work, simply email or text. I’m happy to let you know what’s available. Special orders are also welcome. I can personalize a vase with wedding date or monogram, etc.

cell 312 404 4905

Instagram: TracyTaylorStudio